“The Road Trip Continues ….. Come Holy Spirit”

Well we started our day in Freemont Ohio at 8am Mass at St. Ann’s…a beautiful church. After a pretty good breakfast at the Holiday Inn, we were off. 

St. Ann’s Church In Ohio

Due to  a last minute inspiration, we stopped in Chelsea Michigan at the Servants of the Word Center to see a good friend, Mike Shaughnessy, recovering from a very difficult nerve malady that almost took his life.

It’s called Guillain-Barre (gee-YAH-buh-RAY)… “the syndrome is a rare disorder in which your body’s immune system attacks your nerves. Weakness and tingling in your extremities are usually the first symptoms. These sensations can quickly spread, eventually paralyzing your whole body.” Mike’s recovery is miraculous and certainly influenced by thousands praying for him around the world. The suffering and trauma was intense. He has a ways to go, but is on the mend. It was great to spend some time and pray with this very holy man of God. It was an inspiration of the Holy Spirit.

We then drove to our daughter’s Cristin’s home in Diamondale, MI where we had a wonderful evening with the kids and great meal. We are staying at the Comstock’s home who are away in Colorado on a white water rafting trip.

Okay, I better end for now, but just to emphasize that we really want to be open to the inspirations of the Holy Spirit on this trip and there’s evidence of that happening. Come Holy Spirit.

3 thoughts on ““The Road Trip Continues ….. Come Holy Spirit”

  1. Come Holy Spirit, fill our hearts and all the hearts of the doctors and nurses attending to little Luke right now🙏⚓️


  2. Thanks, Dave. God bless you and Judy and protect you on your trip. We are praying for your safety and pleasure. We’ll try to keep an eye on Jersey until you return.


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