“The Blink Of An Eye”

I’m hitting a bit of “writer’s block” today. I have a few thoughts, but nothing seems very compelling. So, let’s just wander through a few things and see where we land. The weather forecast is predicting a “nor’easter” storm with up to a foot or so of snow depending on where you live….  I don’t think I’m ready for a big snow storm. On top of this our daughter Cath is now overdue for her first child and we don’t need any weather surprises….and our son Pete and family is moving this Sunday… again we don’t need any weather surprises. Right now the sun is shinning and it sure doesn’t look like snow….hmmmmmm.  

I’ve got a few projects that I’ve been tinkering with and really “kicking down the road”, so I should just bite the bullet and get working on them, and knock them out. There are many other things that are on my mind today…praying for several people who are sick, including a very good friend who is having heart surgery tomorrow… I’m praying that all goes well for this very good man. Well, I’ve done most of my Christmas shopping, but need to finish up a few things; fortunately my wife is the expert on shopping and most of the gifts she’s taking the lead on. Yawn, yawn, yawn….boy this is a pretty boring BLOG… I’m falling asleep writing it, so you must be completely knocked out by now. 

We need to “kick this up a notch” !!!  Holy Spirit do you have anything you want me to say ?  

Well, he may want to remind us that “time is precious”. We don’t have an unlimited amount of time. I can’t afford to waste any time. The millisecond is one thousandth of a second…the time it takes to blink your eye. Yet in a millisecond, an instant of time, you can receive a “revelation” that can take the rest of your life to ponder. When we receive a smile or a short greeting or a phrase uttered from someone, it  can make a big difference in our life. I remember Archbishop Sheen recounting the time he saw Pope John Paul II for just a brief moment during the Pope’s visit to  New York… it made a deep impression on him…just a moment, an instant, a blink of the eye.  

So, I need to wake up a little bit and keep my heart and mind open to the Lord… he may be speaking to me, maybe in only a millisecond…in the blink of an eye. 

4 thoughts on ““The Blink Of An Eye”

  1. God is “smart”! Even if we missed something He wanted us to see, and its important to Him, I believe He will bring it to our attention again, soon. “Did you see that?!!!!?


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